Robert Warshaw double dipping in Arizona

This is about Oakland's OPD Federal monitor, Robert Warshaw who has an even more lucrative job in Az.

He double dips big time.

Under the US AG Garland’s guidelines for Federal consent decrees (we have an out of court settlement aka Negotiated Settlement Agreement”) Federal overseers are prohibited from having more than one oversight contract at a time to avoid the appearance of being a “cottage industry”

Under AG Garland’s same guidelines any consent decree that goes over 5 years is submitted to intensive review to justify continuing it. Our NSA is going on 20 years.

When a few students fail the exam, it’s the students’ faults.

When the entire class keeps failing the exam, it’s the teacher’s fault.

OPD is the most monitored police department in the world.

The NSA brought much needed accountability to OPD, but the need for that was always blown out of proportion.

Time to petition the Federal court to end it. At the very least ask the Federal Judge to replace Robert Warshaw.